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UZH Innovathon 2024: The Digitalization of Mobility

UZH Innovathon 2024: The Digitalization of Mobility Article Image

26. June 2024

The special course and open innovation format will take place again in Fall 2024, from Sept 12th to Oct 4th, 2024.

How do you envision the future of mobility?
Make your ideas count by joining the UZH Innovathon. An interdisciplinary course for Master students and doctoral candidates based on challenges from industry partners.

The Innovathon is organized in a collaboration between the UZH Innovation Hub and the Digital Society Initiative (DSI) Mobility community, a research community that studies different aspects of the transformation to a digital mobiliy.

For Master students and doctoral candidates


Content A unique opportunity for participants to develop innovation skills, to focus on future-oriented topics and to build a valuable network within the related ecosystem. To make the most of the idea development phase, the so called design sprint, teams are equipped with a manual and get support by experienced facilitators.


Output Assessment / ECTS Credits: 3 ECTS


When Sept 12th to Oct 4th, 2024 (teamwork), until mid Nov (individual work)


Register In the UZH Module booking system


Venues Ginetta
Post Company Cars
Kanton Zürich Volkswirtschaftsdirektion Amt für Wirtschaft & Innovation Zurich
Innovation Park Zurich


More Innovathon: The Digitalization of Mobility Learn more


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