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Recent findings: How does digitization affect mobile maps?

Recent findings: How does digitization affect mobile maps? Article Image

21. November 2023

In the era of digitization, mobile maps have become an integral part of our daily lives. But how can we ensure that they optimally support our individual mobility? Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher, a seasoned expert in the Department of Geoinformation Visualization & Analysis at the University of Zurich, reveals how digitization is paving the way for personalized mobile maps in his latest post on Inside IT.
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Article reposted in the UZH News: Personalisierte Kartenapps
Summary: The use of mobile maps offers a variety of benefits, but also challenges. Dr. Reichenbacher explores how modern design approaches and adaptive technologies can improve the user experience. He takes a look at integrating machine learning and artificial intelligence to customize mobile maps while reducing information complexity.

About the Author: Dr. Tumasch Reichenbacher is not only an experienced Senior Lecturer, but also a group leader at the University of Zurich. His expertise lies in modeling user behavior in a mobile context and applying these insights to the design of map applications. Follow along as we discuss the future of mobility and share your thoughts on how we can shape the world of mobile maps for a better user experience!