Publication: Ethical Considerations of Humanitarian Use of Drones in Post-Disaster Nepal
5. October 2020
Ning Wang's latest publication on humanitarian drone use is available now.
DSI Mobility member Ning Wang has just published her latest study on Ethical Considerations of Humanitarian Use of Drones in Post-Disaster Nepal.
The noticeable turn to technology in humanitarian action raises issues related to humanitarianism, sovereignty, as well as equality and access for at-risk populations in disaster zones or remote areas lacking sufficient healthcare services. On a technical level, practical challenges include heightened risks of data safety and security, and the potential malicious use of technology. On a societal level, humanitarian innovation may disrupt relations between different stakeholders, may widen inequality between those with access and those without, and may threaten privacy, disproportionately affecting the vulnerable population. Drawing on the empirical findings of a case study of the 2015 Nepal earthquake, this paper presents an in-depth normative analysis to identify contextualised ethical considerations, and illuminate the wider debate about how technological innovation in the aid sector should be operationalised. In conclusion, on the normative level, a prudent attitude in adopting novel technology in the aid sector is required; while on the operational level, proposals for actionable ethical standards to guide and safeguard sector-wide innovation practices are needed.
Ning Wang’s paper was published in IEEE Technology and Society Magazine and is now available.